Google Reviews- How to Generate More Reviews on Google
What is the first thing that almost all of us do before getting any product/service on the internet? We look for reviews.
What that tells us is that before getting something, we always like to ensure what we are getting is legit and the exact thing that we are looking for. The reviews left for the products are the most sought-after indicators of the quality and credibility.
And rightfully so. The reviews are left by customers like us and they bear the consumer’s experience. In most of the cases we aren’t going to get any different than what the reviews suggest.
Since Google reviews is such an important factor that plays crucial role in the decision-making of customers, it is essential for business owners to understand this fact and make proper use of it.
Simply put, more positive reviews lead to better customer engagement. This happens because people associate positive reviews with credibility. As such it also plays a role in how your business is perceived on the internet.
There are enough reasons why you should look to get more Google reviews for your business and in this article, I am going to give you the 6 tips to generate those positive reviews.
1. It Starts with Google My Business Listing
The first and foremost thing that you should get right is the GMB listing of your business. I can’t stress enough on the need of and the value that a perfectly created business listing profile for your business can add.
Not only does it help you in amping up your Local SEO strategy, it also plays an ineluctable role in painting the right image of your business thus getting more customers to consider leaving a review. It is therefore a no-brainer that you should tend to it.
I have a detailed and simple-to-understand article on how you can setup & verify your Google My Business listing therefore I won’t go much into the details here. Ensuring consistency, accuracy and frequent updating of information, right use of media and posting of information that is relevant are some of the key things to keep in mind.
2. Asking For Reviews
“Ask and you shall receive”-that’s how the saying goes. That is exactly what you have to do in the next step.
It is crucial that once you have served your customers, you get them to share their experience with you, particularly by leaving a review. Now, there are certain things to keep in mind before you go on asking for reviews.
A lot depends on the time at which and the manner in which you approach them with an incentive to leave a review on your business. The most commonly useful method is via emails. As you collect the contact details of the customer, you can get back to them asking them to share their insights and thoughts about their experience.
Regarding the time, depending on the nature of service/product offered, you can ask them for their review as soon as the purchase is made or in the case when the result is awaited or if it involves time-factor, you can wait and get back to them at the end of it.
It is crucial that you contact them when they are in the right state as they are more likely to drop something positive. In any case, keep it subtle, genuine and professional.
3. Engaging On Social Media
Unlike the old days, business owners have an advantage as in how they can make use of social media platforms to elevate their business prospects in a number of ways- even when it comes to generating reviews for their business.
Building a prominent presence on the social media should be a top priority for every digital marketer. As business owners, you should also be able to make use of the exposure, reach and engagement that these platforms have in store for you in a positive way to get your customers to engage better with you.
Any engagement is a two-way process and that’s why it should all start with you. Stay in touch with your audience on the social media, address their queries, reply to their comments etc. You know the deal. The more friendly and interactive you are, the more likely your customers are to reciprocate.
4. Making Things Easy
Losing a review when a customer was ready to drop one but couldn’t just because he/she was not able to figure out the way or place to do so is the worst kind of possibility. It is a dreaded thought for all business owners and you don’t want to end up experiencing anything similar to that.
For the same reason, it is quintessential that you make the review writing process easily understandable for your clients.
Some of the things that you can do are helping them with the instructions right when you ask them to consider writing a review, either digitally or in-person depending on the situation, adding a webpage that informs the customer about the process, adding a link to the review page in the email & on your social media handles.
5. Responding To Reviews
No customer would like to write a review if he/she sees that the review section is dead as in you do not respond to the reviews. It leaves a terrible impression on customers when they see that you do not seem to care about what customers have to say about your services/products etc.
You need to avoid that and the way to do that is by actively engaging with the customers and what they have to say about you. I recommend setting aside a few hours at the weekend wherein you engage with the reviews and respond to them- expressing your gratitude towards the positive ones and taking accountability of and trying to resolve the poor ones.
This is will give the image that you hold the words and opinions of your customers in high regards and care enough to respond to them.
6. The Most Important Foundation
All of this would make absolutely no sense if you are lacking when it comes to the most important thing-the quality of service/products that you offer.
I am of the opinion that a good product is one which can sell itself and speaks for its quality. As a business owner, you should consider implementing the similar notion for your endeavors.
If the products/services that you offer have the quality and the credibility the customers are looking for, it is bound to make the impact and move them to consider dropping a review. As such instead of worrying about other things, you should channel your efforts in improving the quality of what you have to offer. The good reviews are bound to come alongside.
As an experienced SEO Consultant who has worked with numerous businesses of all types and size, I understand that the one thing that can assist anyone looking to make it big in the marketing industry is grabbing every opportunity to leverage your prospects.
Since you have read this article, I am sure you think no different. Reviews say a lot about your business and what is being said about you through them has more value to it than what you say about yourself. I hope this article has helped you understand how you can get more Google reviews for your business.
If you have further queries to be addressed or if you would like to get more SEO tips from an expert, hit me up!