How To Boost Domain Authority Of Website For Growth
Running an online business has become more rewarding than ever. In fact, the number of businesses that operate online and those that are shifting online is so high that it has clearly made it mandatory for businesses to get themselves on the internet, failing which means containing the business possibilities.
Not only that, the importance to build an online visibility which is better than the fellow competitors has also been realised. We know that your business’ rank on the Google SERP is a direct and the most revealing indicator of how successful your business is in the market. As such, it should be a top priority of all business owners that they work towards improving it.
Working on optimising your website in consonance with the various Google ranking factors is something that I have already discussed. While all the ranking factors are just as important and to be frank, each of them require a separate article to be written, in this article I am going to touch upon what I believe should be prioritised over many factors and something that has a direct implication on the performance of your website.
Domain Authority is what I am talking about. In this article, I will discuss all about what it is, why you should focus on it and also tell you about ways to boost domain authority of your website and take a giant leap towards your goals.
Domain Authority-What It Is & Why It Matters
You set up a business store and after some time you start getting results- customers start visiting store, improvement in sales, more conversions and with all these, you get a valuable brand name in the market, which later serves as a stepping stone. Having done that, it’s time to reap the benefits of the brand name. How? The process is very simple- maintain the credibility that you have set over time by serving in the market with your best products and services.
Now when you launch a product/service there is no need to wait to get the results, no need for further promotion. With every new launch, you get the results quick because there is a name- your brand name out there which will help you to derive more customers quick and even have customers prefer your store over other similar options. The same goes with Domain Authority of your business website.
What your brand name/value does for your offline store is the same that the domain authority of your website does for your online business- it helps you build your authority and mark your presence in the online world. Once you have successfully developed that, the next time you produce some content and a customer query is made related to it, the search algorithm will give your website preference over other available options because your web domain is characterised by brand value, credibility and legitimacy in the eyes of the search engine.
I’m sure all business owners would like to have all those attributes linked to their businesses for the single reason that a better domain authority value translates to better rankings and that, in turn, translates to better traffic and consequent success. Boosting your domain authority is the key to all those.
It was Moz that came up with a way to measure the domain authority value on the scale of 0 to 100. For a business which is just starting out, the value would be closer to the lower end of the spectrum and it is expected that steps that help in development and consolidation of the domain authority are undertaken to get the value up gradually. Moz Open Site Explorer tool is what can be used to keep a track of the domain authority as well as the efficiency of the methods implied to boost the same.
Improving Domain Authority- 5 Key Areas To Work On
Now that you know what domain authority is and its significance in setting the course for your business experience on the internet, it is imperative that you identify key areas to focus on and ways in which you can strengthen them so that it all culminates in amping up your domain authority aka your brand value.
In the following parts of this article, I am going to share with you details about 5 key areas that I have identified based on my experience as being decisive in framing your business website’s DA and tips to make sure that you make the most out of them.
1) Your Backlink Profile
Time and again I have reiterated about the inevitable need to build a solid backlink profile for your business website. If there’s anything that can decide the fate of your business as in how well it will fare on the internet, particularly when it matters the most i.e in the long run, it is the quality of backlinks that are linked to your website. I have already talked about how you can go about getting backlinks via a foolproof link-building strategy so I won’t go much into the details here.
However, here are a few major points to keep in mind:
- The value of your backlink profile depends not on the quantity of links that you procure but on their quality. As such, always look for high-quality, relevant and valuable links.
- Not all links are useful. More often than not, old links that were once useful become obsolete and broken and no longer serve any purpose. Such links, instead of adding up to your website, actually weigh it down. Make sure that you get rid of those links.
When it comes to building and maintaining a backlink profile that serves as an asset, constant vigilance and updation are things that cannot be compromised. Remember that just like any other element of SEO, link-building isn’t a ‘one-and-done’ thing. You need to be constantly at the steering wheels, ensuring that you remain on the right track and keep doing the right things.
2) Quality Content Creation
What you have to publish/relay on the online profile for your business is all that you have to make use of to get yourself and your message out to your customers. Therefore, it becomes necessary that you devote time to create content that speak of your strengths, value for customers and are in sync with what’s relevant and required.
Creating content that is characterised by quality and doing so on a consistent basis proves how much you are willing to cater to the needs of your customers as well as it sends a signal to the search engine that you are here to serve its customers. Besides, proper SEO Copywriting goes a long way in boosting your business.
Make sure that you focus on publishing information that people are looking for. Create content that can serve as reference for others and can be termed as ‘linkable’. In that way, not only are you delivering value through what you publish, but also increase your chance of earning backlinks.
3) Landing Page Optimisation
It must be understood that customers who visit your website are not aware of all the technical work that you have put in. Nor do they care. As blunt as it might sound, it’s true, and in a way the right thing.
A customer should only have to care about and look for one thing when he/she visits any business website- satisfaction of his/her needs and that’s what you should focus on as well.
The landing page of your website is what reflects all about you like a mirror and it is the only point of interaction between your customers and your business. It should, therefore, be your duty to ensure prime user experience through that. Crafting it while keeping in mind what serves the customers and offers a pleasant experience should be your top goal.
Successfully crafting a landing page that is not only appealing but also serves the purpose requires you to switch to the ‘customer’s POV’ during the process. A proper landing page reduces the bounce-rate and increases the conversion-rate. Structure, accuracy and value are things to incorporate in the landing page to make it worth the customer’s attention.
If you would like to get into the details of the process and the elements of a solid landing page, check out my article on landing page design tips.
4) Get Yourself Out There
There’s this one unspoken law of the marketing world- What gets seen, gets sold.
No matter how hard you work on your enterprise or how valuable, unique and high-quality your products/services are, if customers are not aware, all your work would be rendered useless. As much as it is about creating and offering quality, we cannot ignore the fact that to some extent, the marketing business is the show business.
It is therefore very crucial that you get yourself out there on the open, allowing customers to find you, interact and engage with what you have to offer and acknowledge you. Building your presence in the market should definitely be a thing in mind.
The two most effective and rewarding ways to do that are as follows:
- Social Media: The world is on social media and so should your business. Not only do you need to be on social media, you also need to make proper use of it to market yourself. Use it to build linkages and connections with like minded entrepreneurs and business owners. Learn from them and through the mutual exchange of insights and boost your business.
- Guest Posting: Use the networking and connection that you build through social media to find opportunities where you get to share your insights and ideas with other entities. Use guest posting as a method to get yourself some exposure in the market. It acts as a two-way process where you offer help by providing information and content for others and in return get exposure and possibly backlinks.
5) Search Engine Optimisation
While all of the aforementioned ways work well on their own, they work even better when paired with the process of search engine optimisation.
Search Engine Optimisation or SEO is the cornerstone of digital marketing. Without it, you narrow down your chances.
Action on its own may very well create results but when those actions are undertaken in optimised scenarios, their efficiency as well as the possibility of desired results are improved manifold and even ascertained. That’s exactly what happens when you pair all these methods and processes with the application of SEO through a carefully designed and well thought-out plan.
SEO acts as a steering wheel which steers your actions in the right direction by optimising them as well as the setting in which they take place. It helps you tailor your methods and ways in consonance with the ways and benchmarks of the search engine, thus increasing your chances at success.
Be Predicated on The Practice of Patience
Regardless of all factors, anything that is business requires the virtue of patience. No matter how you do what you do, it must be realised that things take time and that the true fruits of labor can only be reaped when the season is right.
The same goes with increasing your domain authority. With something so decisive in the affairs of your business as your brand value on the search engine, growth and progress are bound to take time. Just make sure that you stick with it through and through and when the results come, it will all seem worthwhile. If you need someone to accompany you in the journey, I am eagerly waiting for the invitation.